Risultati 6.861
4+ room apartment in Via Acaia, Roma
687 Kč / mese
Via Acaia 50, 00183 Rome RM, Italy
Stanze 4
Tasteful single bedroom in Portuense
690 € / mese
Lungotevere di Pietra Papa, 00146 Rome RM, Italy
Stanze 6
Cozy single bedroom with balcony and outside area
Viale Libia, 00199 Rome RM, Italy
Stanze 8
Very comfy single bedroom near the Baldo Degli Ubaldi metro
Piazza Cardinal Ferrari 4, 00167 Rome RM, Italy
Bright double bedroom in Portuense
Appealing single bedroom in Portuense
Very sunny single bedroom near Università degli Studi Roma Tre - Ingegneria
Snug single bedroom in Portuense
Nice double bedroom in 5-bedroom apartment
Via Lorenzo da Pietrasanta, 00154 Rome RM, Italy
Stanze 5
Bilocale arredato S.giovanni, esquilino, san lorenzo
Grangel, Via degli Equi 42, 00185 Rome RM, Italy
Stanze 2
Neat single bedroom in Portuense
Cosy double bedroom in Ostiense neighbourhood
Via Temistocle Calzecchi Onesti 30, 00146 Rome RM, Italy
Lovely single bedroom in Portuense
Welcoming single bedroom in Portuense
Appartamento con 1 camera da letto in affitto a Aurelio, Roma
Vicolo del Gelsomino, 00165 Rome RM, Italy
Camera 1
Double bedroom in Gianicolense
695 € / mese
217704/R, Via Quirino Majorana, 00151 Rome RM, Italy
Cosy single bedroom in 5-bedroom apartment in Gianicolense
Via del Fornetto, 00146 Rome RM, Italy
High-quality single bedroom in Quartiere V Nomentano
Via Oreste Tommasini, 00162 Rome RM, Italy
Twin ensuite bedroom in a 3-bedroom flat, near the Re di Roma metro
Via Pompei, 00183 Rome RM, Italy
Stanze 3